Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I created a blog today, but I forgot the super-secret login I am going to post the exact same thing here. :)

I hate school, it's a total drag.

It's almost as if I can feel my once substantial vocabulary dwindling into a dark, swirling abyss.

I had to check my own spelling today...I don't usually have to do that!!


I want college to hurry up; I am ready to learn.


It's cold. Real cold. I haven't ventured very far from my house lately, frankly because it is colder than Anne Frank's vagina outside. (get it?..frankly!?..i didn't even notice i did that!)

I miss my friends kinda...I wish it would warm up, and fast. I hate that lying-ass groundhog...Groundhog, If you're reading this: Why have you forsaken me?! I hate you, and have no sympathy for your frosty ways.

well..I suppose I will do some more griping later on...

untill then, think of the world.